Monday, July 21, 2008

Summer Palace, Forbidden City, driveways

Busy day today. The Forbidden City and the Summer Palace. BTW, it's very hot and humid in Beijing this time of year. Definitely the off-season, except for the Olympics soon.
We visited the Forbidden City. A place denied to proles like us in the last century, now a tourist spot. I love revolutions.

I'm just fascinated by the intricate bas-relief work for a "ramp". So I got several pictures of them. I kept thinking, it might sell to have 'concrete' forms made of this as "drive ways" for up end home. I think it would sell.

Here a bas-relief Dragon Wall at Forbidden City.

A 24 arm Buddha for sale by the "government" at the Gov't Store. I need to research this when I get back to internet access. Part of the museum tour at the Forbidden was to sell these "treasures" to tourists. I want to research if this is for real.

We took this Dragon Boat to the Summer Palace. The Summer Palace grounds were cooler, with at several of these 'cool spots' within the long corridor. On the Grounds of the Summer Palace is the longest corridor in the world. A long covered porch mainly for traveling from place to place on the Summer Palace grounds.


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