Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Guild Hall and Concubine Lives

A lack luster day for the tours. Chongqing is a commercial / industrial center with it's location on the Yangtze. Our day was mainly the transfer from Beijing to Chongqing to get on our Yangtze River cruise.
We started the day with our hotel breakfast buffet, including yes, silk pupa.

Then we boarded the bus for our flight to Chongqing.

Once in Chongqing, I think the tour company had to wrack its brain to come up with a tour. So today was a tour of Concubine Beds and a Guild Hall.

Yep, I know more than I really wanted to know about Concubines and their beds. The first wife apparently had a bed with "6 tiers" to signify status, concubines had beds of different number of tiers from one to five. The wife and concubines basically lived within the "bedrooms", played mah jongg to pass the time. Remember, these were also times when they bound women's feet for beauty, not a good life. Of course it was better than being the wife of a peasant and working in the fields.

The Guild Hall tour was like a "concrete" wax museum of local merchants who set up farmers in the local area. This is the front of the Guild hall here.
Then onto the ship via a cable car system to lower us down to the ship.
More tomorrow.Leticia

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